Fall is a great time of year to make homemade donuts. Donuts are best eaten right after they are made, so making your own is a great idea! Although going to a farm and getting fresh apple cider and donuts is a lot of fun, it can be kind of expensive and crowded. Making your own donuts is easy and cheap! In this post, you will learn how to make donuts with only a few ingredients and in a short amount of time.
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Donut Ingredients
- 1 can of biscuits
- 3 cups of vegetable oil
- ¼ cup powdered sugar*
- ¼ cup sugar*
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon*
*the sugar is for coating the donuts, so it really is up to you how much you want to use. For this recipe, we made two kinds of donuts: powdered sugar and cinnamon sugar. You could also choose to do just sugar or cinnamon powdered sugar.
We would recommend NOT frosting these donuts because the frosting will slide right off.
How to Make Donuts
Step 1: Heat oil
In a medium sauce pan, heat up your oil on low to medium heat. If you use a larger pan, you will have to use more oil. The oil needs to be deep enough that the donuts won’t touch the bottom of the pan.
Step 2: Punch out donut holes
While the oil is heating up, open up the can of biscuits and set them on a plate or cutting board. Using something that is round, you will cut out the middles from the biscuits.
We always use the cap for our imitation vanilla. You could also use a pop bottle cap.
Step 3: Prepare the sugar
While the oil is still heating up, decide what kinds of donuts you want to make. We usually make half of them coated in cinnamon sugar and half coated in powdered sugar.
It is up to you what flavors you like best. You could also make plain sugar or cinnamon powdered sugar.
These are NOT the kinds of donuts that should be frosted because it will melt right off the donuts.
After you decide what kind you want to make, put the sugar in a Ziploc bag or container with a lid.
If you are making cinnamon sugar or cinnamon powdered sugar, you can mix the cinnamon in with the sugar when you place it in the container.
Step 4: Fry donuts
Although you can make these by yourself, it is easier to have someone helping you. Usually one person fries the donuts while the other person covers them in sugar. This allows you to make them quickly so that you can eat them when they are still warm.
After the oil is heated, drop a few donuts at a time into the oil. Flip them when they are light brown on one side. It will only take 1-2 minutes to cook them.
Step 5: Drain off grease
When they are fried, place the donuts on a plate with paper towels on it. This will allow some of the grease to drain off before you coat them.
Step 6: Coat the donuts with sugar
Caution: donuts will be hot when you remove them from the oil. Be careful when you are putting them in the sugar container.
Place your donuts in your sugar container. Seal up the container, and shake it well. This allows the donut to be coated well all over.
Remove donuts from container and place them on a plate.
Step 7: Repeat steps 4—6
Repeat steps 4—6 until all your donuts are fried and coated.
Step 8: Serve!
These donuts are best served fresh.
If you eat them after they have cooled off, they won’t taste as good. They will taste more like biscuits.
Notes: One can of biscuits should make 10 donuts and 10 donut holes. This recipe can easily be doubled.
[click_to_tweet tweet=”Learn how to make donuts with this easy step-by-step guide. They are quick and easy to make. #recipeoftheday” quote=”Learn how to make donuts with this easy step-by-step guide. They are quick and easy to make.” theme=”style3″]
What are your favorite kinds of donuts?
Comment down below! Also, feel free to ask any questions about how to make donuts if you are confused about any of the steps.
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How to Make Donuts Easily
- 3 cups vegetable oil
- 1 can biscuits
- 1/4 cup sugar
- 1 teaspoon cinnamon
- 1/4 cup powdered sugar
- In a medium sauce pan, heat up your oil on low to medium heat.
- While the oil is heating up, open up the can of biscuits and set them on a plate or cutting board. Using something that is round, you will cut out the middles from the biscuits.
- Put the sugar and cinnamon in a Ziploc bag or container with a lid. Put the powdered sugar in a separate container.
- After the oil is heated, drop a few donuts at a time into the oil. Flip them when they are light brown on one side. It will only take 1-2 minutes to cook them.
- When they are fried, place the donuts on a plate with paper towels on it. This will allow some of the grease to drain off before you coat them.
- Caution: donuts will be hot when you remove them from the oil. Be careful when you are putting them in the sugar container. Place your donuts in your sugar container. Seal up the container, and shake it well. This allows the donut to be coated well all over. Remove donuts from container and place them on a plate.
- Repeat steps 4—6 until all your donuts are fried and coated.
- Serve!