Scrapbook Styles for Beginners

Scrapbook Styles for Beginners Pinterest pinIf you’re new to the scrapbooking world, it can be hard to know where to begin when it comes to choosing what type of scrapbook to make. A lot of people feel overwhelmed by all of the pictures and mementos they have and don’t know where to start. Even if you’re not a beginner, you might be looking for some new ideas. In this post I will be sharing with you six different types of scrapbooks I’ve made over the years that anyone could make. These scrapbook styles can incorporate a lot of different types of pictures and memories.


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#1 — A School Scrapbook

You can make a scrapbook of your child’s whole school year by saving papers from each subject. You can add school photos and pictures from plays, sports, band, or special events.

If that seems like it is too much, you can condense the scrapbook to multiple years together such as elementary school or high school. If that still seems to be too much, you can have each grade of school be a 2-page spread.

I once made a scrapbook for a friend for her son that was of his school years. Each 2-page section included his school picture, what classes he had (maybe a report card), and one special paper or project from that year.

The picture below is a few pages from an old school scrapbook that belongs to my son. The pages showcase a few things he wrote when he was in second or third grade. It is really simple and easy to do pages like these because they aren’t very elaborate.

school scrapbook pages


#2 — College Memories

A college scrapbook would be similar to a school scrapbook, but it will likely have a lot more to it than academics and extracurriculars.

It could be divided into sections of classes taken, special papers written, and fun photos such as dorm life, campus events, and special trips.

If you have a lot of pictures and papers, you could do a scrapbook for each year of college.


#3 — Pets

I keep scrapbooks of all the pets I have ever had. My first cat that I had on my own has his own special scrapbook.

Since then, we have had a lot of pets so they are in chronological order. At some point, I split the scrapbooks into a dog scrapbook and a cat scrapbook.

Some pets have a lot of pages and others only a few because we got the pet from a shelter as an older pet.

It is really hard sometimes to work on these types of scrapbooks because I spend a lot of time crying, but in the end, I have a special remembrance book.

Be sure to record things about your pet such as favorite toys, odd things they did, and favorite foods. We had one cat that my son gave her a Facebook page with her antics of the day. One post that she had said, “The two-legged beast that lives here scolded me for eating off the tops of all the muffins on the stove. I’m feeling no shame!” We took a screenshot of that to put into her scrapbook after she passed away.


#4 — Workplace

I have a whole scrapbook of a farm that I worked at every summer while I was in college. It was one of my favorite jobs. The scrapbook helps me remember the people and different tasks I did while I worked there.

Below are a couple pages from my farm scrapbook. This is the first scrapbook I ever made, so the pages are pretty simple. I included pictures from my workplace, and I drew diagrams of how I stacked the vegetable crates.

scrapbook page with farm pictures scrapbook page with packaging diagrams


#5 — Likes & Dislikes Scrapbook

You could make a scrapbook about one of your children or a friend that shows their likes and dislikes.

When my kids were younger, I had a page for each of them in our family scrapbook that had their picture and things they liked and disliked.

You could turn that into an album to give to that special person. It could have pictures of them dining out and have their food likes and dislikes. You could do the same thing for books, movies, hobbies, etc.


#6 — Weird Attractions

A really fun but odd scrapbook section I once made was of weird things I saw in New Orleans. I was making the scrapbook just about New Orleans but included a section of all the odd things I saw while walking in the French Quarter and places nearby to that area. One of the stores there is called “The Jazz Funeral Store: Where People Are Dying to Come In.” It had a carriage at the front driven by skeletons.

You could take pictures of unusual things wherever you go and then turn it into an interesting scrapbook.

In the pictures below, you can see the pages I did for the weird things I saw in New Orleans. I used an 8.5″ x 11″ page in between two 12″ x 12″ pages because I needed more room for pictures.

scrapbook pages of weird things in New Orleans

scrapbook pages of weird things in New Orleans


What scrapbook styles have you done in the past?

Comment below your ideas and questions!


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