Learn how to eat out on a budget so that you can afford to go out to eat more often! These easy tips will help you save money at a variety of restaurants.
Author: Janie
The Best Way to Declutter Your House
If you’re feeling overwhelmed by all the stuff in your house, learn the best way to declutter your house and how to keep the clutter from coming back!
9 Myths About How eBay Selling Works
If you’ve ever wondered how eBay selling works, you should check out these common myths that hold a lot of people back from selling!
Board Games to Play with Family
These board games to play with family are great for families of different sizes and ages. There is something for everyone on this list!
Recent Garage Sale and Thrift Store Finds
Check out our most recent thrift store and garage sale finds to learn what types of things you can still find great deals on!
Easy Potato Skillet Dinner Recipe
Follow this potato skillet recipe for an easy weeknight meal! Change it up to fit your tastes and needs. This is a great meal for the whole family!
Easy Jambalaya Recipe
This easy jambalaya recipe is great for a quick weeknight dinner. While great year around, it is especially good during the colder months!
Best Bargains of the Summer
See why you should shop at garage sales and thrift stores. In this post we share with you some of our best bargains from this summer.
Homeschool Curriculum for History
Learn history with these fun books! This homeschool curriculum is great for kids of different ages to get them interested in history.
Shish Kabob Recipe
Follow this shish kabob recipe for lots of ideas of ingredients and easy to follow directions. This meal is great any time of year!