Make Extra Money This Summer With This One Simple Tip

If you are looking for an easy way to make extra money this summer for your family or kids, check out our easy way to make money without a job or selling anything! This money making idea is simple and fun for the whole family! #summerfun #makemoneyDo you want to make extra money this summer? You can easily make some extra cash without getting a job or selling anything!

One way that our family has always make a little extra money is by entering different things in our local county fair. You don’t have to be in 4-H to enter items either!


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How to Make Extra Money This Summer

County fairs usually have the option to enter items to be judged and awarded prizes.

This means that you can enter items such as crafts, artwork, needlework, etc. and have the chance to be awarded money and a ribbon!

You will need to view your county fair’s website and see when it takes place. They should have entry forms available for you to print, or you can usually get them at the actual fairgrounds.

You will need to fill out entry forms for items that you would like to enter. Our fair allows us to fill out forms for things we would like to enter, but if we don’t end up entering everything we planned on doing, it is okay.

At our fair, we have to bring in our items one week before the fair starts. Make sure you find out exactly when you need to take your items to the fair as well as when they need to be picked up.

One other thing to note is that some fairs charge an entry fee. Ours does not, but you should definitely check.

All fairs are different, so you need to research how entries work at your local fair.


When You Can Make Extra Money This Summer

Depending on when your fair is will determine when the entry deadline takes place.

Our deadline is the beginning of July since our fair is in early August. The next county over has their fair in September.

After the fair takes place, we usually receive checks in the mail about a month later.


What You Can Enter to Make Extra Money This Summer

Most fairs have livestock entries. We don’t participate in that because we don’t live on a farm.

Our fair has artwork, crafts, vegetables, baking, photography, and antiques for the big categories. There are many more as well.

Some years we enter a lot of photographs depending on what places we have visited or if we took any interesting pictures. First place for a photograph in any category for adults at our fair is $10.

Sometimes we enter artwork. Paintings and drawings in different media get $12 for first place for 17 years & older.

We also buy antiques sometimes at garage sales, enter them in the fair, and then resell them after that. A normal first place for an antique category (any age person) is about $7. To be an antique, an item has to be at least 50 years old.

There are lots of categories for children as well. Their premiums are usually less money.

Our fair also has some categories that have high premiums. They have large planters that they have flowers planted in and want them painted with scenes. First place for a flower planter is $75. You can decorate an antique room and win $150 or decorate a room and set up vegetables to look like a store that also wins $150. The rooms award 3 places, so third place is still a nice win.

Crafts are fun to enter. Our fair has scrapbook categories, and first place is $6.

Make sure you are entering your own work not the work of another person. You should also not receive help in making your item. This means that parents should not help children draw their pictures, create their crafts, etc. because that gives an unfair advantage to other kids that are entering.

See items we have entered in this post: The Fast and Simple Way We Make Money


What Fairs You Can Participate in to Make Extra Money This Summer

There are all kinds of county fairs out there. Sometimes you can enter items in neighboring county fairs. Make sure you check their rule book to see.

Some fairs only let you enter certain items if you are not from the county.

Entering in multiple fairs means that you have an even better chance at winning money.

If you are not sure of the rules for another fair, it does not hurt to ask!


The Benefits of Entering Items In Your Local County Fair


The obvious benefit of entering items is making extra money.

We enter a lot of items, so the money adds up quickly. It also helps that we try to enter things we have already made during the year like scrapbook pages, artwork, crafts, etc.

If you have school-age children, they might have made something in an art class at school or at home. These are items that would be a good idea to enter since they are already done!


Our favorite thing about fair entries is not the money but the ribbons. It is nice to win money, but it’s fun to get a ribbon that shows you had the best entry or one of the best.

Some categories like photography have a lot of competition, so it really means something to win a ribbon.

The really big prize is a sweepstakes ribbon. There is not always extra money for that, but you still win a really big ribbon on top of your first place prize. Winning it says that your entry is the best of multiple categories.

If you are looking for an easy way to make extra money this summer for your family or kids, check out our easy way to make money without a job or selling anything! This money making idea is simple and fun for the whole family! #summerfun #makemoney

Whatever you enter, just make sure you have fun with it!

Let us know if you enter items in your county fair! If you found this post helpful, we would love for you to share it with your friends and family!

Some other ways to make money:

How to Have a Successful Garage Sale

Beginner’s Guide to Start Selling on Ebay

If you are looking for an easy way to make extra money this summer for your family or kids, check out our easy way to make money without a job or selling anything! This money making idea is simple and fun for the whole family! #summerfun #makemoney
If you are looking for an easy way to make extra money this summer for your family or kids, check out our easy way to make money without a job or selling anything! This money making idea is simple and fun for the whole family! #summerfun #makemoney
If you are looking for an easy way to make extra money this summer for your family or kids, check out our easy way to make money without a job or selling anything! This money making idea is simple and fun for the whole family! #summerfun #makemoney

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