Life Changing Christian Books About Prayer

Are you looking for some life changing Christian books worth reading? These Christian books about prayer will change your life! #prayer #Faith #Jesus #Christian #ChristianbloggerAre you struggling with your prayer life? Did you know that there are ways to improve your prayer life drastically? These couple of books that I’m writing about are life changing when it comes to prayer. They will open up your eyes to what prayer can look like in your own life.


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Don’t Just Stand There, Pray Something: The Incredible Power of Intercessory Prayer

prayer book

On the last day of a local church sale, everything left was free including books.

I went to the Christian books section and saw a book titled Don’t Just Stand There, Pray Something: The Incredible Power of Intercessory Prayer by Ronald Dunn.

I flipped through the book and thought I would enjoy reading it. It was from 1991, and I had never heard of it.

I was having a hard time with many things going on in my life, and I thought that a book on prayer would be really helpful.

It turned out to be the best book on prayer that I have ever read!

This is the first book I am going to share with you. I will also be talking about another book on prayer by the same author, but this is the book I read first.

Don’t let the outdated covers of these books keep you from reading them. They are so worth your time!


What is this book about?

The book is sectioned off into four parts with multiple chapters in each part.


Part 1

The first part is titled “God’s Great Idea.”

In the first chapter, Ronald Dunn talks about what kind of faith prayer requires.

Other chapters in this section tell us how to pray in Jesus’ name and why God answers prayer.


Part 2

Section two is called “The Secret Kingdom’s Secret Weapon.”

There are six chapters in this section. They talk about where the real battle is, how to have bold intercession, and where the heart of intercessory prayer is.

Also, you will read about the power of the prayers of the saints, praying for non-believers, and some answers to questions about prayer.


Part 3

Part three has four chapters and is titled “The Life that Prays.”

Dunn talks about ways to look at prayers and those praying them.

Fasting is also talked about among other things in this section.


Part 4

In the fourth and final section, there are six chapters.

This section is called “The God Who Hears.”

These chapters are about:

  • The prayer God always answers
  • Silence in Heaven
  • How God answers prayers
  • Knowing when to stop praying about something
  • A praying church


What I think about this book

I really learned a lot from reading this book.

At the end of the book there is a section on how to plan an intercessory prayer ministry. There is also another section that is a manual for intercessory prayer.

I would highly recommend reading Don’t Just Stand There, Pray Something for yourself or with a group.

I think it will really help with your prayer life.


Where to purchase this book

You can buy Don’t Just Stand There, Pray Something: The Incredible Power of Intercessory Prayer from a few different places.

If you go on Amazon, you can read some of the pages before you buy it.

You can also purchase it on eBay for pretty cheap.

If you want to purchase it from Thrift Books, you can get 15% off your first order with our link. 🙂


When Heaven Is Silent: Trusting God When Life Hurts

prayer book

The second book I am going to talk about is called When Heaven Is Silent: Trusting God When Life Hurts written also by Ronald Dunn.

I ordered it online after looking for a different book and found this instead.

At the time I bought this book, I felt like my prayers were going unanswered and that God was being silent.


What this book is about

This book is split into a couple sections.


Section 1

The first section talks about:

  • The flip side of the abundant life
  • When life seems to have good and bad at the same time
  • Throwing away blessings

Section 2

The second section is about living without answers and is divided into five parts.

This section was really helpful for me. Dunn talks about why things happen to you, suffering, and God being silent.

For me, the silence lasted several years. This book tells you how to deal with the silence when you don’t know what else to do.

This section also deals with disappointment and when God says “no.”


My thoughts on this book

I would really recommend When Heaven Is Silent if you are struggling in your prayer life.

It can be helpful if you having a hard time praying or knowing what to pray.

If you are feeling alone and don’t understand where God is, you should read this book.


Where to buy this book

You can buy When Heaven Is Silent: Trusting God When Life Hurts from a few different places online.

If you go on Amazon, you can read some of the pages before you buy it.

You can also purchase it on eBay for pretty cheap.

If you want to purchase it from Thrift Books, you can get 15% off your first order with our link.


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Are you looking for some life changing Christian books worth reading? These Christian books about prayer will change your life! #prayer #Faith #Jesus #Christian #Christianblogger
Are you looking for some life changing Christian books worth reading? These Christian books about prayer will change your life! #prayer #Faith #Jesus #Christian #Christianblogger
Are you looking for some life changing Christian books worth reading? These Christian books about prayer will change your life! #prayer #Faith #Jesus #Christian #Christianblogger
Are you looking for some life changing Christian books worth reading? These Christian books about prayer will change your life! #prayer #Faith #Jesus #Christian #Christianblogger

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