Christian Books That Every Couple Should Read

Are you looking to understand the opposite sex better? These Christian books for couples will help you improve your relationships with each other. These books are for women, men, and teens. #Christian #Christianbooks #bookstoread #faith #marriageAre you looking for ways to strengthen your relationship with your significant other? Whether you’ve started dating someone or have been married for years, these Christian books can help you understand each other better and ultimately better your relationship. Even if you aren’t dating anyone currently, these books can help you understand the opposite sex better which can better your future relationships.


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Christian Books for Adult Couples

adult books

If you are already in a relationship with someone or are married, these two books can really benefit you.

Even if you aren’t dating anyone currently, these books can help you understand your future spouse.

For Women Only: What You Need to Know About the Inner Lives of Men written by Shaunti Feldhahn is for women to read to learn about guys, and For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women written by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn is the accompanying book for men to read to learn about girls.

Although these books are written from a Christian perspective, they can apply to everyone. In fact, many of the people interviewed and surveyed did not identify themselves as Christians.

In order for you to really benefit from these books, you need to go into reading them with an open mind. Women and men have a lot of misconceptions about each other that need to be righted in order for you to better understand each other.

Also, it is important to take what you learn and apply it to your relationship.


For Women Only

for women only book


What is this book about?

Shaunti Feldhahn set out to write a book to help women understand why men act the way that they do.

If you’ve ever felt confused as to why the important guy in your life doesn’t quite understand you, it’s probably because he’s genetically wired differently than you.

While men and women can live harmoniously together, it is important to understand that there are some key differences in the way that they think and act.

Feldhahn did a lot of research with surveys and interviews to get actual facts from men themselves. You will learn about guys from the perspective of guys!

If you think you understand men pretty well, you may be pleasantly (or not so pleasantly) surprised to find out that your knowledge of men isn’t as accurate as you once thought.


What can you expect to learn?

While this book is less than 200 pages long, Feldhahn packs in a lot of good information.

This book discusses seven beliefs about guys and what they really mean. You may have heard all these ideas before, but this book explains what they really mean. There’s a lot more to guys than what you might think.

To help you understand what you will be reading about, this is the list of chapter titles. Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of men with data and examples in each chapter.

  • Your Love Is Not Enough: Why your respect means more to him than even your affection
  • The Performance of a Lifetime: Why your Mr. Smooth looks so impressive but feels like an impostor
  • The Loneliest Burden: How his need to provide weighs your man down, and why he likes it that way
  • Sex Changes Everything: Why sex unlocks a man’s emotions (guess who holds the key!)
  • Keeper of the Visual Rolodex: Why it’s so natural for him to look and so hard to forget what he’s seen
  • Chocolate, Flowers, Bait Fishing: Why the reluctant clod you know really does want romance
  • The Truth About the Way You Look: Why what’s on the outside matters to him on the inside
  • Words for Your Heart: What your man most wishes you knew about him


For Men Only

for men only book


What is this book about?

After the success of For Women Only, Shaunti Feldhahn decided to write a book with her husband Jeff about women.

For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women is set up much the same as For Women Only.

If you’re a guy looking to understand the special woman in your life, then this book is for you.

You will get insight into what it’s like to be a woman. This book will help you understand important differences between men and women.

If you’ve ever been confused as to why women do and say the things they do, then this book will shed some light for you.

What’s great about this book and other books in this series is that they are backed up with actual data.

The women surveyed for this book come from all different backgrounds, so information is actually helpful.

One important thing that the authors note is that just because the majority of women act or think a certain way, it doesn’t mean that every woman does.

This book purposely groups all women together, but you should know that there might be some things that just aren’t true for that special woman in your life.

Although this book is for men to read, I did read this book to see what is in it. I found myself agreeing to mostly everything in this book, so women you don’t have to worry about giving your guys bad information.


What can you expect to learn?

To help you understand what you can expect to find in this book, I have included a list of the chapter names.

Each chapter focuses on a different aspect of women.

  • The Deal Is Never Closed: Why her “I do” will always mean “Do you?” — and what to do about it
  • Windows…Open!: What you should know about the fabulous female brain (a guide for lower life forms)
  • Your Real Job Is Closer to Home: How your provider/protector instinct can leave her feeling more unsafe and less cared for
  • Listening Is the Solution: Why her feeling about the problem is the problem, and how to fix your urge to fix
  • With Sex, Her “No” Doesn’t Mean You: How her desires are impacted by her unique wiring, and why your ego shouldn’t be
  • The Girl in the Mirror: What the little girl inside your woman is dying to hear from you—and how to guard your answer well
  • The Man She Had Hoped to Marry: What the woman who loves you most, most wants you to know


Christian Books for Young Couples

teen books

To help your teens or other young couples understand each other better, Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn wrote two additional books with the help of their friends Lisa and Eric Rice.

These books are For Young Women Only: What You Need to Know About How Guys Think and For Young Men Only: A Guy’s Guide to the Alien Gender.

You don’t have to be in a relationship to get a lot of good information out of these books.

These books help you understand the opposite sex better.

Just like the books for adults, these books need to be read with open minds.

Know that what you think might not always be true. You may have a lot of misconceptions about the opposite sex that these books will help you see differently.

Also, it is important to note that these books generalize a lot for men and women, but the authors know that what is true about the majority of people isn’t always true for everyone.


For Young Women Only

for young women only book


What is this book about?

Much like For Women Only, this book is about understanding guys from their own point of view.

The difference in the two books is that this book is for a younger audience. While For Women Only is better suited for women that are married or in a relationship already, For Young Women Only has a lot of great information for girls who are not in a relationship.

For Young Women Only: What You Need to Know About How Guys Think will help any girl understand the guys around her better. Whether you are in a romantic relationship or just a platonic relationship with a guy, you can learn to understand them better.

Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa Rice interviewed and did a survey with young guys, so they have data to back up their points.

You don’t have to feel confused when it comes to boys because this book will help you understand guys from guys’ perspectives.


What can you expect to learn?

Much like For Women Only, this book takes misconceptions and helps you understand the actual truth about how guys think.

In this book you will find the following chapters:

  • Your Love Is Not Enough: You mean he wants my respect more than my love?
  • The Performance of a Lifetime: Mr. Gorgeous and Cocky is actually insecure?
  • Tough or Tender?: A peek into the real heart of Mr. Tough Guy
  • Keeper of the Photo Files: What “Guys are visual” really means…and what it means for you
  • Seeing the Inner and Outer Beauty: Why guys care that girls take care of themselves…even though they are looking for the real you
  • Body Language: His physical desires = emotional consequences for both of you
  • Words for Your Heart: What guys really want to tell you


For Young Men Only

for young men only book


What is this book about?

For Young Men Only: A Guy’s Guide to the Alien Gender is similar to For Men Only, but it is written primarily for teen guys or guys that are not in a relationship yet.

Jeff Feldhahn and his friend Eric Rice wrote this book to help guys understand girls. It is written in a teen-friendly way to help guys stop feeling confused as to why girls act the way they do.

They interviewed teen girls with the help of Jeff’s wife Shaunti to give you real data and examples from the mouths of teen girls.

The girls interviewed and surveyed come from a variety of backgrounds, so you can trust that this information isn’t just true for a select few girls.

It is important to note though that in order to help you, Feldhahn and Rice make generalizations about girls. They do let you know that everything thing stated may not be true for every single girl because not every person feels the same way.


What can you expect to learn?

For Young Men Only is a little bit different from For Men Only as far as topics go. It focuses on teen girls and helps guys understand why they choose to go out with certain guys and how understanding girls isn’t as difficult as it seems.

The topics covered are outlined in the following chapter titles:

  • What Most Guys Never Know: To find truth, we take you to the ultimate source—more than one thousand of them
  • Abercrombie Boy vs. Our Hero, Average Joe: Why ordinary guys have a real chance with great girls
  • Why Good Girls Like Bad Boys: Understanding a girl’s greatest secret fear—and what you can do about it
  • When Girls Stop Making Sense: A code breaker’s guide to baffling female behavior
  • Breaking Up, Breaking You: Why girls go from “love” to “get lost” so fast—and how to keep from getting crushed
  • No Dropped Calls: How to talk and listen to a girl without looking like an idiot
  • What It Really Means to Score: The truth about girls, guys, and sex
  • The Guy Every Girl Wants…Really: Could it be that the real you is the real prize?


Where to Buy These Christian Books

You can purchase these books from a variety of places.

If you’ve never purchased a book from Thrift Books before, you can use our link to get 15% off your first purchase.


For Women Only: What You Need to Know About The Inner Lives of Men by Shaunti Feldhahn

Buy it on Amazon, eBay, or Thrift Books.


For Men Only: A Straightforward Guide to the Inner Lives of Women by Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn

Buy it on Amazon, eBay, or Thrift Books.


For Young Women Only: What You Need to Know About How Guys Think by Shaunti Feldhahn and Lisa A. Rice

Buy it on Amazon, eBay, or Thrift Books.


For Young Men Only: A Guy’s Guide to the Alien Gender by Jeff Feldhahn and Eric Rice with Shaunti Feldhahn

Buy it on Amazon, eBay, or Thrift Books.


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Are you looking to understand the opposite sex better? These Christian books for couples will help you improve your relationships with each other. These books are for women, men, and teens. #Christian #Christianbooks #bookstoread #faith #marriage
Are you looking to understand the opposite sex better? These Christian books for couples will help you improve your relationships with each other. These books are for women, men, and teens. #Christian #Christianbooks #bookstoread #faith #marriage
Are you looking to understand the opposite sex better? These Christian books for couples will help you improve your relationships with each other. These books are for women, men, and teens. #Christian #Christianbooks #bookstoread #faith #marriage
Are you looking to understand the opposite sex better? These Christian books for couples will help you improve your relationships with each other. These books are for women, men, and teens. #Christian #Christianbooks #bookstoread #faith #marriage

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